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Solo show in October: When Weird Works

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PetrusMonsFormicarum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-28-10 12:17 PM
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Solo show in October: When Weird Works
I love gallery shows, where the art-minded come to meet the artist, experience the art, and perhaps take some home. But something that has always frustrated me about the gallery scene is that it seems to intentionally intimidate the casual or happenstance art lover. Most people love to look at things, especially if it’s something they’ve never seen before, but few people actually avail themselves of art galleries.
That’s why I’m thrilled to have garnered all the front-end wall space at New Seasons Market’s Seven Corners location in Portland, Oregon for the month of October. Not only do thousands of people pass through there every day, but they’re standing in checkout lines while they are there with only my scratchings to look at as their groceries are bagged! I’ve had more sales and recognition from this location than most of my other recent showings combined, and I heartily urge my artist friends here on DU to search out similar unorthodox, high-traffic showplaces.

In honor of the spookier season I’m presenting a selection of my more horror-related and fantastical pieces. Of particular interest are several pieces influenced by the literature of H.P. Lovecaft (1890-1937). Lovecraft populated his works with monstrous, godlike alien beings on inscrutable missions far beyond human comprehension, and many poor, demented souls who had the misfortune of becoming privy to the Old Ones’ dark schemes. During his time Lovecraft encouraged other authors to utilize the creations of his so-called ‘mythos’; as a visual artist I have accepted that invitation. Like the unfortunate poets and artists in Lovecraft’s ‘The Call of Cthulhu’, I see the beast of the title in dreams, and in waking, feel a compulsion to pull its likeness out of nothingness.,375x360,black,off_white,box20,s,ffffff.jpg,375x360,b,l,VGhlIElubnNtb3V0aCBMb29r.jpg
I would be thrilled and honored if any Portland-local Duers can make it by to see my work. The details:
When Weird Works: the Art of Pete Janes
New Seasons Market at Seven Corners
1954 SE Division Street Portland
October 1 through November 8

While you're there, please stop by the Produce department and say hello!
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Steerpike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-14-10 06:55 AM
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1. wow
very professional looking! very well done!
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babydollhead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-21-11 05:29 PM
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2. cool art!
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