Sending out portfolios is time consuming, and the resulting feedback can take a toll. Some recipients have been very encouraging, though.
The first thing I looked for was an opportunity to just get published. I found the S.F. Chronicle had a space for public illustration, similar to, in fact embedded in, the letters to the editor section. They kindly published a smallish drawing of mine that gave me hope. Meanwhile, I use the Internet for getting my work out and encouraging it's copying, sharing, and printing for non-commercial use.
Of course, much of my motivation is politically inspired, as well. It just feels good to get things off my chest-things responsive to current events. Then, there's philosophically-based work. I value any responses-good or bad. If what I do doesn't generate negative criticism from political opposites, I explore the why and resolve it as best I can without going too far over the edge! Positive responses; well, its like oxygen, water, and food.
Presently, the market for illustrators seeking syndication is quite flat, so expect many rejections for that alone. Persistence is all there is beyond doing the work itself. Believe me, it has taken lots of time to establish an interest base, and should never be left alone.
Right now, I regularly publish to three on-line news sources, charging them nothing. Result: My work is seen by many. I continue to physically mail portfolios and send links or attachments to potential clients via the net. I set long and short goals. The short: become a cartoonist/illustrator. The long: assemble enough work to put together a book. Option: Work with an author and do a collaboration based on political satire.
On April Fool's Day, I received an email from Z-Magazine indicating that they had used one of my cartoons. Thinking it was a gag, I visited Z and saw my work. The check they sent is going into a frame!
In the meantime, I'm working to make as many happy mistakes as possible.
Stephen sp(at)stephenpitt.net