Calling All Artists!
Do you... ... believe in workers' rights and economic justice? ... want to share your vision with activists from across the country and around the world?
Jobs with Justice needs YOU!
Not an artist? Watch your e-mail inbox & our website - you'll have a chance to vote on the winning design! Also, please forward this message to your artist friends.
Our Annual Meeting is coming up in September and we want to take this opportunity to launch an exciting new T-Shirt design that conveys a sense of the power that we share as a movement. Jobs with Justice is built on the principle of solidarity—workers, families, students, faith leaders, and community groups coming together in the struggle for workers' rights and economic justice. Our Annual Meeting will bring together 1,000+ activists from local coalitions in 25 states, as well as allies from other organizations in the U.S. and around the world. We want to inspire them with a new design that captures the solidarity, determination, and optimism that we feel as we continue to build a strong national movement for economic justice. Can you help us?
The Details:
The deadline: FRIDAY, MAY 27th
The design restrictions: maximum of 2 ink colors. Images should be large enough to print on a T-shirt and resolution should be at least 300 dpi. Submit your designs in .tiff or .jpeg format.
The process: JwJ staff will select a few finalists, and the entire JwJ family of activists will be able to vote for their favorite design on our website. The contest: Our virtual ballot boxes will be open for the first two weeks of June
The prize: The artist with the winning design will get $500*
The rollout: Annual Meeting September 22-25, 2005
The glory: 1,000+ activists from around the world will admire your design in September—and thousands more will see, love, and wear it through our website.
Send completed designs in .tiff or .jpeg format to allison@jwj.org. Questions? Call or e-mail Allison at 202-393-1044 x224 We must receive all design submissions by FRIDAY, MAY 27!
Looking for inspiration? Current T-shirt designs can be seen at www.jwj-store.org or visit www.jwj.org to learn more about Jobs with Justice.
*The artists who creates the winning design agrees to waive proprietary rights to the design. JwJ will own the design and have full rights to use it on any materials as we see fit. We will also have the right to alter the design to suit our needs. You also agree that the design may or may not be used on T-shirts or other materials that may be given away or sold at our Annual Meeting or through our website.