The beauty of giclees is the ability to do short runs instead on needing to purchase a large inventory. Ideally, you find a local supplier with you whom you can build a good working relationship. It makes it easier. However, in the back of any art mag (or even MacWorld) there are plenty of ads for giclee producers. Personally, I'd rather drive to the shop and pick them up myself rather than worry about shipping.
Also, perhaps you can hook up with a full-service operation who can handle fullfilment and framing and shipping, too. You'd just need to drop by and sign a batch of prints every now and then. By doing it this way, assuring the production place some steady business, you could probably even work out a deal with little or no initial cash outlay. If you're selling/displaying from your own web site, perhaps you can talk the production house into a co-op deal wherein you promote the giclee shop on your site in exchange for credit towards production.