...here posted a message (and I can't remember the exact wording or I would have pulled it up on a DU search (I tried though)) saying something like "Hey, is this proof of Bush using Gitmo-style tactics on people inside the US?". There was a link to a website which was mostly numbers dot com, IIRC. Anyway, it appeared to be like something you'd see in an interrogation room. The video consisted of a man sitting in a chair (being viewed diagonally across the room from what appeared to be a CCTV camera positioned in the upper corner of the same room. An "interrogator" (dressed in white shirt, dark slacks and a dark belt) comes into the room and begins questioning the person agressively about their political (liberal) orientation. He then pulls the person out of the chair and throws them on their back, the attacker's back to us as he straddles the man (also concealing most of the blows) and pummels him sarcastically making comments like "Where are your liberal friends now?" or something of the sort.
I immediately hit Usenet to see other references to the site and found just a single one, also posted the same day, with similar wording as the poster at DU. Anyway, I wrote to Snopes.com about it because it seemed just a bit over the top (the dialog was arguably stereotypical or stilted, I felt) but I never received a response from them.
Anyway, I'm a big fan of waiting till a story, website like this, is dead and buried then reseach the hell out of it. I do that with lots of stories/sites with varying results. I like to track how information or disinformation moves through the net and I was hoping to do a post-mortem on this one.