From this thread: OK, I'll boycott the Muslim stamp. But in order to be consistent with the logic of attaching blame to an entire group rather than the lunatic fringe nutcases within that group who are personally responsible for such despicable actions, I guess I'd better expand my boycott:
REMEMBER the CHRISTIAN abortion clinic bombings and child molesting clergymen! Well, now I guess I gotta boycott Christmas, too!
REMEMBER the BLACK crack dealing gangsta thugs! Throw Bill Cosby, Oprah, and Colin Powell in jail with the rest of 'em!
REMEMBER the WHITE guy who bombed Oklahoma City! Hey, I'm white too! Uh oh...
REMEMBER the GERMANS who started World War 2 and gassed six million Jews! Shit! And to think I liked beer and bratwurst!
REMEMBER the REPUBLICAN presidents who brought us Watergate, Iraq, and runaway deficits! OK, so I'll vote for the Democrats...
REMEMBER the DEMOCRATIC presidents who dropped nukes on Japan, escalated Vietnam, and got blowjobs in the Oval Office! Well then, to hell with all of them! I guess I'll just focus on getting rich.
REMEMBER that GEORGE WASHINGTON owned slaves. Time to boycott the dollar, folks!
The bottom line is that every religion, culture, race, and nation has things to not be very proud of. Don't be so easily tempted to condemn the whole bunch, because it's a slippery path to becoming a bitter, hate-filled bigot who thinks the whole world is out to get them