> Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good...
This refers to a Halliburton subsidiary, Brown & Root, which was originally given the contract under Bush Sr. -- arranged by none other than our friend,
Dick Chaney (defense Secretary at the time). Now it is true, that the Pentagon "re-upped" that original contract in 1995 and 1997, largely for support of the Balkans. But a
GAO report in Sept. 2000 (note: PDF) put the blame on confusion in the Army's process and review -
not President Clinton - as to why Brown&Root were able to sneak so many additional no-bid items past. (Plus, the upper level ranks of the Army has many quiet GOP partisans, happy to give some political direction to lucrative contracts -- why do you
think Halliburton hired Chaney, anyway?)
> Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good...
> Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad..
Uh, no. The Serbian war cost 15 Billion. Here's some appropriate
link to some GOP agitprop that shows that everyone knows 77 billion is a lie. Oh, and the cost for Bush's little adventure? Try 230 Billion and counting. SOME taxpayer is going to have to pay that eventually, my dear conservative friends.
Oh, and the number of U.S. casualties in Serbia? Not 1500 and counting.
> Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good...
> Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...
Clinton didn't technically "impose regime change" in Serbia. He simply got NATO (and even the GREEKS!) together to stop the Genocidal campaign against the Kosovo Albanians. When the Serbians decided they didn't like being bombed, they decided by themselves that the leader that got them into the whole bad war had to go -- proving they're more more intelligent than your average Republican.
> Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists - good...
> Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...
Strangely, these liberated Iraqis are now being called "terrorists" by the exact same people who called for their "liberation". Oh, and by acting as he did in Kosovo and Albania, Clinton kept the oppressed Muslim populations from turning to the only other group who seemed to be willing to help them -- a little outfit named "Al Queda".
> Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good....
> Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad....
The U.S. Air Force misidentified the Chinese embassy during the Kosovo campaign, and accidentally bombed it. It took all of Clinton's renowned political skills (including millions paid to each of the Chinese victims) to limit the fallout. Nobody called that "good".
Nor does any elected Democrat in the entire country call bombing terrorist camps "bad". That is pure propaganda.
> Clinton commits felonies while in office - good...
> Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...
Clinton never committed any felony while in office. Period. Nor did his sexual escapade harm anyone but his own reputation. Nobody died when Clinton lied. Bush's stunt, on the other hand, showed his true colors. He was sure the war was over, and was smugly greedy about the spoils. Just the EXACT thing to formant an insurgency.
> Clinton says mass graves in Serbia - good...
> Entire world says WMD in Iraq - bad...
> No mass graves found in Serbia - good...
> No WMD found Iraq - bad..
Clinton told the TRUTH about mass graves in Serbia. (Any idiot can find them on google.) Bush - like this propaganda - LIES. He LIED, pretending that there was immanent danger of an attack from Iraq, and that massive stockpiles (3000 liters of anthrax, 50,000 chemical munitions, mobile weapons labs, etc) had somehow evaded weapons inspectors' eyes. Sure, the CIA was wrong - but not nearly wrong enough for the Bush Administration.
> Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good...
> Recession under Bush - bad...
The only stock market that "Crashed" in 2000 was the overheated NASDAQ caused by momentum investors, and as yet uncaught CEO/Financial Analyst Fraud (the vast majority of whom are strong supporters of the GOP). Investors chose to ignore Greenspan's direct warning about "Irrational Exuberance" and paid the price due to their own folly. On the other hand, Bush is directly hurting all Americans by refusing to balance the books. Notice how the dollar is in free fall?
> Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good...
> World Trade Center falls under Bush - Bad...
Clinton never had the opportunity to "take custody" of Bin Laden. In 1996, the Islamic theocracy of Sudan, known for its campaign of Genocide against Christian Africans, made an offer to deliver Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia -
if the U.S. would drop all its embargoes against them. (Imagine how that would have gone over in the GOP smear machine - "Clinton wants to trade with Christian killers!"). At the time, Osama Bin Laden was a worrisome anti-U.S. figure, but not yet someone who'd done anything against the U.S. (unlike "patriot movement"/survivalist darling Timothy McVeigh). But the last nail in the coffin is that the Saudis refused to take Osama Bin Laden -- probably because they were worried he might pull an "Adolf Hitler" and grow more popular in prison. Add it all up, and there wasn't much for Clinton to go on.
Bush, on the other hand, had been handed documents directly implicating Osama Bin Laden, and told that he was "determined to strike inside the United States". Richard Clarke, who served under every president since Reagan, was "running around with his hair on fire" - telling the Administration over and over to take this stuff seriously. But no. Bush wanted to build a missile system.
> Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good...
> Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...
Calling for, and killing tens of thousands of innocents for, are different things. Don't you agree?
> Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good...
> Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad...
Every time Clinton tried to bomb those camps, the GOP - and all their media cronies - screamed "wag the dog" "WAG THE DOG"
There's not an elected Democrat in this country who opposed destroying the training camps in Afghanistan after 9/11.
> Milosevic not yet convicted - good...
> Saddam in custody - bad...
Saddam isn't convicted yet either.