Quite unusual for an animated film. Kind of a Hitchcock thriller. The film is about a young pop singer that has decided to become an actress. She starts working on a TV series called Double Bind. One of her fans doesn't like the fact that she is no longer a singer and begins stalking her. And people start dying.
The film uses an unusual technique of blurring the edges between the main character's reality, her imagination, and the scenes that are being shot for her TV show. It's hard to tell what is real and what is not. It adds greatly to the mystery and the creepiness of the movie. Plus it's incredibly sexy in spots.
From Netflix:
"This unusual flick may be the most emotionally evocative thriller ever animated. Perfect Blue follows singer-turned-actress Mima Kirigoe, who transforms herself into a sexually charged character on a controversial TV series. Her fans revolt -- some even threaten her life. When those involved in her new career are murdered, Mima is driven to paranoia. Will she be next?"