At is a Flash animation done by my grandson, Jesse Bailey--It's called "Bushland-A Jesse Baily Flash video. It's in about 24th position in terms of popular vote. As you probably know, each view counts as a vote. He put hours of work into its production. I, on the other hand, did a single frame work called, "Bend over and take it in the a.."
It is in about 14th position. I knocked out this presentation in about an hour and one-half.
I don't know what is going on here. One of the problems with the animation is that the sound of the ship blasts away at the beginning causing people (particularly those with cheap computer sound) to turn the volume down, and if they do that, the can't hear most of the sound effects. I really need your constructive criticism of the Flash animation. My grandson is in the process of creating a new one and he doesn't want to make the same mistakes. His college instructor, with whom he took a couse in FLASH last year, thinks the work is excellent and really can offer no critique.
Thank you for your help.