As inspired by one of my favorite threads on Fametracker.com. What are some of the unpopular opinions you have WRT anime?
I'm a Gainax fan (Otaku no Video is hilarious), yet I hate Evangelion. It's almost a religion to me (pun intended). Seriously, it's probably the most classic example of hilarious misappropriation of Western religious symbolism in anime I've ever seen. There's not a single likeable character in the whole show, they're either hopelessly bland (Rei Ayanami), or actively obnoxious (Shinji). I hate them all, and it's not even a fun love-to-hate kind of thing, it's a "god these people are stupid and I just want them to die" kind of thing. Not to mention the fact that none of it makes any sense whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to a show that makes me think, and I enjoy quite a few mindfuck animes (Lain and Utena for starters). But when my brain starts hurting in a bad way and I'm begging the show to just fucking end and put itself out of its and my misery, it's just not entertaining. FFS, Hideaki Anno literally went batshit crazy in the making of this show. If that doesn't tell you what you need to know about it, I don't know what else does. Don't get me started on the End of Evangelion. The entire enterprise is the gold standard of overrated, pretentious, nonsensical POS anime. Hate it or not, though, every fan needs to watch it at least once because at the very least it is an important show, it is popular and lots of people reference it so some knowledge is needed even if you end up hating it like I did (and even then having seen it is a good thing, because I can at least speak with authority about WHY I think it sucks so badly).