Pet Shop of HorrorsStory: Pet Shop of Horrors is four stories in one story. The basic premise story concerns a police officer's investigation into a pet shop which he believes has been involved with several mysterious deaths in his town. This investigation sandwiches the other four stories, each involving a magical pet sale. The four stories are very good and have a
Twilight Zone feel to them.
Animation: Excellent, though the pet shop owner's eyes look a little strange through his hair.
Humor: There is some light banter between the police officer and the pet shop owner, but no real humor.
Violence: There are some scenes of brief violence, but the tension of this anime comes from dark situations and desperation rather than violence.
Hentai Action: There is a topless mermaid, but that is about it.
Overall: I highly suggest
Pet Shop of Horrors for anyone who enjoys anime,
The Twilight Zone, and magical cursed creatures. You can get all four episodes on one disc, each episode is a different pet story.