Twilight of the Dark MasterStory: A magical man investigates an evil pharmaceutical company which is creating new drugs from a demon. This anime is set in the near future, which means flying cars and cybernetic limbs.
Animation: Pretty good. Polished with some nice lighting effect.
Humor: There is one brief scene which is lighthearted. I would not exactly call it humorous though.
Violence: Fairly violent and bloody, but nothing horrific.
Hentai Action: Some nudity and some adult situations. A brother and sister seem to be closer than most siblings, and I think a guy sucks off a pink jellyfish. Nothing graphic.
Overall: I like TotDM, but not everyone will. The hero fights by flying around and using magic, some of the villains fight the same way. There are no cool sword fights, gun battles, or crazy martial arts action. This anime is not really about the battles though, it is mostly about the story and various characters. The whole thing is about 50 minutes long.