Japan Anime Live, a stage performance based on Naruto Shippūden, One Piece, Bleach, Gundam, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, will tour Europe starting on Saturday. The tour describes itself as "the first official live event made and performed by the Japanese creators of famous manga and anime series." The cast includes Miki Satou (Bleach Rock Musical) as Bleach's Rukia, Yūichirō Hirata (The Prince of Tennis musical) as Bleach's Ichigo, and Taizō Shiina (Sengoku Basara, Saiyuki, Haruka -Beyond the Stream of Time- stage plays) as Naruto's title character.
In this show which will run over two and a half hours, the performers will act as their respective characters and fight in different styles of martial arts on stage. The event will also screen previously unseen anime footage as the actors voice the dialogue live on stage. Musicians Piko (Tegami Bachi Reverse), Daisuke Asakura (Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, Code Geass, Soul Eater, Gravitation), and others will perform musical numbers, during which a screen will show Japanese karaoke lyrics in phonetic spelling with Roman characters.
Japan Anime Live will begin in Paris on Saturday and move to Brussels on October 29, Dusseldorf on October 31, Milan on November 6, Florence on November 11, and Rome on November 13.