I've been reading about the Katrina cottages (New Urban Guild,
http://www.katrinacottages.com/index.html) and some of the design features they have incorporated just make me furious that my house was so stupidly designed/remodeled. I don't need all this drywall, after all, not when I could have tongue & groove walls that would eliminate the necessity for studs and free up all that dead space in the interior walls. Things like that. (The NUG has a great book, as it happens, on the cottages that just happens to have a lot of space saving and efficiency tips. And DH and I have pretty much decided that our next house is going to be a Katrina Cottage, though probably one of the larger ones since zoning in this area mandates a certain amount of square footage.)
So I've been thinking about cutting out sections of drywall and putting in narrow shelves, like for spices in the kitchen, paperbacks in the hallway, napkins and wine glasses in the dining room, small ornaments, etc. I've found a couple of places online that have instructions (
http://home.howstuffworks.com/how-to-maximize-storage-space1.htm and
http://www.ronhazelton.com/howto/recessed_shelves.htm and
http://www.blackanddecker.com/ProjectCenter/ProjectDetail.aspx?DOC_ID=p_2_51_16109_16130.html, among others), but I'm looking for perils and pitfalls to avoid.