Edited on Thu Dec-13-07 06:35 PM by Ecumenist
Here's the deal; We asked for a bid from a contractor local to the area, (R-E-A-L-L-Y rural Northern California) to install a fiberglass septic tank,(3000 ga) and the leach field is going to be using the Infiltrator System. We have already bought the tank from a local producer who will deliver the tank and set it for free. We are purchasing the Infiltrator, rock, (we have an account at the local gravel yard), the distributor box, PVC pipe etc.
The reason that I am looking at the option of installing it ourselves? The bid came back..
3100.00 for installation of the tank et.al ...JUST FOR LABOUR!!
1400.00...A DAY!! Just for his equipment to sit onsite and his travel to the site. The area he has to travel from to our property is about 25 miles... We're not talking about traffic issues..UNLESS YOU COUNT THE OCCASIONAL COW, EMU, SHEEP, GOAT OR ALPACA wandering onto the roadway. ( estimates 3 days to complete the work) 4200.00 for the backhoe to park on my little piece of paradise.
Does anyone else think this is excessive? AND has anyone installed their own septic?