Edited on Mon Jun-23-08 12:27 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
On your kitchen faucet, get a pair of pliers and remove the aerator ,It most likely has a water saver in it. You will turn it counter clock wise to remove it. Be careful to remove it all in one piece ,there are screens ,two or three about dime size.Don't worry much about that the replacement cost is only about $2.00. You will than run the water full boar threw your faucet and it should than flow as it should , check the sprayer at the point . There will of course be a pressure drop at the tap ,but not as much as before. When that checks out reduce the flow at the tap ,take the aerator turn upside down and holding it form in your fingers put it under the water flow to remove the small particles that are trapped in the screens. Those screens are there to trap that so it does not build up in the faucet. Than replace the aerator on to the faucet outlet end. It should be fine than. If not ,remove the faucet and return it to the store as a defect. Or replace the aerator with a universal replacement $2.00
The bath tub faucet may be shot. If it's a two handle type you may be able to clean out the inside of the valve ,that takes a special tool , or you may have a build up of hard deposits at the fittings that cause blockage.
One way to test that is to remove the valve stem and turn on the water to see what kind of pressure exists without the stem in place. Sometimes that flushes out the blockage. If it's a single handle valve, the stem, may be causing the blockage, It's core is plastic, more of a rubber substance,it can deteriorate. The replacement is about $15.00 The two handle type, older style about $30.00. Describe your bath valve and look for the name of it, Delta, Moen, , Fisher Price, American Standard,Mixer, what ever.And did you do the test at the washing machine ,by removing the house and checking the water pressure at the valve that feeds the washing machine? You need a bucket for that. And that test will tell the story. You will need a pair of Pliers as well.
My clients call me when I am working,and I cannot be everywhere in a day. If they don't do what they can do on their end ,I can't be on call 24/7, The woman and I have a life. If than I have a fairly good idea of the problem before I get there, I can stop at the store and pick up the parts. If not ,I have to drive over to their home, look at it ,than go to the store.After five o'clock that can cost double. Most people are more interested in saving some money! And my clients are life time. I know them and they know me! Do the test.