Edited on Fri Sep-18-09 03:42 AM by Wash. state Desk Jet
where your sink and tub drain lines are tied in,it may be hair clog combined with other waste products. I assume yer toilet flush's ok. Or have you checked that? As a rule plumber goes into it through a clean out. Sink would be the other option.
If it were me, I would use a plunger to find out if the standing water will move down the pipes. If it does after that, I would poor some hair clog remover down the bath drain. In many cases where it is about slow drainage in the bath/shower drains, it is hair clogs.
Hair clog Remover costs about 9 or 10 bucks a gallon at hardware.That's what it's called, comes in a red bottle.Those age old rubber plungers are no good by the way. The newer plastic ones have more pressure. The cost is about 8 0r nine bucks for one of those.
OK, so if I am right, your cost of fixing it yerself is under $20.00 Those two items are good to have around the house,so why not go for it.
Again, if it were me, I would do the plunger than some hair clog remover first,before pulling out a snake.
In many cases means I run into that a lot. Call a hardware store and ask about a product called Hair Clog Remover. Or go to home depot and talk to somebody in the plumbing department about it.Tell who ever it is what I think. And have who ever it is show you the newer plungers.
Good Luck !
Reread the part about the recent plumbing you had done. How recent and what was done? Any of it have to do with drainage? And when did you notice slow drainage in your tub drain ,and was it a progressive thing ? If for example some snaking was done in a area of your drain lines, sometimes the waste is moved down the pipes and it becomes traped in a different place. In plumbers talk thats called chasing gunk in the pipes.
So if it were me, and you were telling me about it over the phone, I would want to know what was done and when before I bought the hair clog remover !
But like I said, hair clog remover is a good trhing to have around the house for bathroom sinks and bath tub/shower drains.