Edited on Sun Nov-15-09 11:40 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
holding out out for hope where it comes down to what your neighbor is all about. If he stepped across the line ,than he knew exactly what he was doing. He is a scumbag who does not care about you,public land ,or anybody for that matter. He is a self serving scumbag.
As a contractor I can tell you your neighbor studied the area ,the lay out of the land , looked it over very carefully ,did his research. And figured out how much he can get away with,all of this before he bought the property. He was and is well aware of the slim county budget and he knows there is a slim chance any laws he broke will be subject to enforcement. He probably has inspectors in his pocket.He did his research on the layout of the land before he bought the property.
Take off the rose color glasses .
Now here is his fear. The power of the people is in the numbers. And that is a political matter of fact. In fact that is a age old matter of fact.After ww2 voting in this country dropped off quite a bit. By the mid fifties most working class men did not bother to vote anymore. But in California that did not hold true such as it did in most other states. Take a look at some of the many fantastic things California lead the way with. Education for one.
It will take pressure from the community to get county authorities off their ass's. If you were to ask the parks people why this guy just gets away with this, budget will enter the conversation. Lack of funds. Bottom line,a fire must be lite under the ass of some county official on high. That requires political pressure. And your neighbors becoming organized is all the pressure it will take. Power in the numbers.
Like a very long signed list, names and addresses and phone numbers of the people that just say no way on that. Look at it this way, your neighbors will say, no matter how far away they are, if that ass hole can get away with that, every ass hole can.
You know how people in California frown upon drivers that pay no mind to pedestrians crossing in the cross walk, or without a cross walk, the law says stop for people does it not? People want it that way. Ass holes pay laws or demands of the people no mind.
You have been sitting back and watching this guy do it for a year now. The time to start fighting back is now, get ready for it,do your research, just like he researched the lay out of the land before he bought the land.
Start testing those waters, reach out to your neighbors.If you worry about how he will react when he finds out you are his problem, than that scumbag is counting on that. His forceful aggressive intimidating ways are working for him. You get your neighbors involved,and his game will come to a abrupt end. And believe this, he knows that,in the very same way he calculated what and how much he can get away with. And he calculated the risk.
Make no mistake about it, I have seen many of those arrogant bastards whimper of beaten ,filled with self pity.And the biggest and the most arrogant,the seeming meanest are the ones that cry the most ,big bastard babies they are.Oh and some of them are very well educated big bastard babies. But stupid just the same.
Don't let that stupid bastard and his friends alike beat you. You never know, your friends just might pull down some crooks in high places in your county. You just might pull down some of those political appointment cushy lard ass's right down into the unemployment line where they belong. And no doubt it has been a long time coming!
Been a while since I raised a little down California way! How you all doing by the way!