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I have no drain problems, but ????

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troubleinwinter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 02:39 PM
Original message
I have no drain problems, but ????
Everything drains just fine- toilet, shower, sinks, washer... but when the washer is on the drain/spin cycle, the toilet goes "glub glub glub". Something going on there.

Does it sound like a clogged plumbing roof vent somewhere? Is there a way for me to find out? Is it very important?
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
1. It's more likely the bathroom sink and tub drains
and is caused by back pressure on the system caused by a large quantity of water rushing through.

Most of that air is coming through the vent pipe.
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troubleinwinter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 08:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Warpy, ya hafta talk more slowly to me!
You think it's not a vent issue, but drainage?
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Wash. state Desk Jet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 03:36 PM
Response to Original message
2. The washing machine pumps
Edited on Sat Dec-12-09 03:41 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
a large volume of water out into the darin ,this is true. Back pressure is another veritable. Root growth in your main drain line running across the yard could be a problem. Spring time is the time to put root killer down the toilet or a clean out.

Now, if it's a vent problem ,you can get what is called a studer valve. About $30.00. It connects in to a drain and it allows air to get in,but no gas or water out. It is code rated and can be used in a remodel where running a vent is not convenient. Installing the air way is about the same as replacing your under the sink pea trap into your drain. That's a option and it will help.

The air vent comes with all the parts . You go direct into the drain line as you would with your under the sink drain assembly ,than your p trap assembly will be inserted into the vent. Home depot or Lowe's carries the studr valve or out of the wall under sink vent.

There could be blockage in the vent, or in the main drain line under ground. That would require a 50 75 or 100 foot snake. And,if you can post a little more about the activity going on in those drain line ,and in particular your toilet and is the toilel on a lower level .The other thing is how long has it be happening?And what are weather conditions ?I have gone up on roofs and snaked out the vent, but that is a rare thing.

There is also a product called main line drain cleaner.You read the directions very catrefully on that stuff. Comes in a gallon jug. You might try running a a snake through your washer drain lines ,a 25 or 30 footer suitable for inch and one half or two inch drain lines.
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troubleinwinter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. some info
Septic system.

It's Arizona mountains, very arid... sandy, rocky soil on a downslope (doubt weather is a factor).

Toilet & all on one level. Toilet 'downstream' from washer.

Roots- Only thing between here & there is a line of juniper bushes, but they are quite mature & tall. Don't know what their root structure is. Wonder if the root killer is safe for septic. Don't see why not.

I don't *sense" a blockage, as everything seems to drain fine, just the "glub glub" (like air coming up the toilet bowl for a minute).

We do have hard water, and a few years ago, plumber clearing the toilet said it was calcium deposits in the old (40 yr) drain pipe. He didn't go far, maybe I need a good long snaking?

How to determine if it's a vent problem? We do get high winds carrying dust and sand, and the house is 40 yrs old, so mightn't be surprised by sand packing in there? When I moved in I transplanted prickly-pear cactus plants out of my rain gutters!

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Wash. state Desk Jet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 12:25 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I lived in Phoenix for three years!,years ago!
Edited on Sun Dec-13-09 12:37 AM by Wash. state Desk Jet
I don't work on septic systems, as i live in the city. I did take a look at a septic system trouble shooting guide with diagram. Without going into complications, it is most likely a clogged line in house. It's a guess ,but it seems like you are right, a good snaking. Buy or rent a good 35 footer that attach's to a drill and go into drain line at the washer. Snake it out. Assuming you have a clean out at the main ,line snake that too. Don't know what the distance is from the toilet to your tank, but the tank is about as far as you want to go from that end.That would be two different snakes. Tool rental places have those. On the main line, a 50 foot electric snake will do the job.

Do you have a septic system maintenance manual by the way?
Or google septic system trouble shooting guide.

Again I live in the city, but basically a drain system is what it is. Just a straight line into the city sewer line.Your septic system is a little different but all principals are the same particularly where it is about clogs/blockage and such. Any drain line cleaners you use must say compatible or safe to use with septic tanks or septic system.

by the way there is a product called drain care ,you can buy it pre mix or in powder form that you mix with hot water. The stuff breaks down hard deposits in the drain lines. On main lines I mix the stuff up in a five gallon bucket and poor it straight down the main drain line. you repeat the process over three days. done at night when there is no activity. not certain if it is compatible with septic systems, however the product label will say. Check out Drain Care. I think draino makes it's equivalent in a pre mix,but i have used Drain Care for years in 80 year old drain systems ! The stuff works!

Hope this helps,

Snake it out!
Good luck.
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Wash. state Desk Jet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 01:43 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. You can snake out the vent,
But my guess is blockage is causing slight back up ,yer toilet activity indicates it. Your drain most likely because of blockage cannot accommodate the volume of water your washing machine pumps into the system. Do you hear any activity going on in the sink drains or the bath tub/shower?

And, have you had vent blockage issues in the past? What's going on with your toilet to me indicates blockage. I would pull the toilet and snake out the drain line, or go in through a clean out.

By pulling the toilet and running the spin drain cycle -,yer washer, than running water in the tub/shower and or sink ,you can watch to see if the water will rise up to the top of your drain line. That's called running a test.It's one thing if it's air,but my guess is,it will be water . By running the tub water or sink in your bathroom when the washer is in spin drain cycle of course you are adding to the volume of water flowing. But the drain should accommodate that. If the water rises toward the top,shut of the sink or tub valve. Let it drain. From there common sense tells you to go ahead on and run the snake.

If nothing is going on in the other drains in your house, if you do not hear any activity coming out of the any of the sinks or tub drains-it points to blockage.Now, how many plumbing vents you got on yer roof?
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