Has anyone here discovered this wonderful product? I found out about Tatouage on the Home Shopping Network while channel-surfing one day, and at first I was VERY skeptical. But, after trying it, I am now a true fan of this wonderful product.
It all started when Muralist Carolyn Yovan grew tired of her clients always wanting the same paintings listed in her portfolio, so she came with an idea that would let ANYONE put her artwork on their walls. She found a formula that worked, sold it to HSN, and soon became one of the new millionaires featured on HSN.
In short, Tatouage is decorative art that you RUB ONTO your walls, or other surfaces - with a BIG Popsicle stick. Once there, it is permanent, but since it has a zero profile - you can paint over it if you wish.
NO, it is not like the rub-on tattoos that rinse off - this is permanent(sealing is suggested for areas where it might come in contact with water). NO, it is not like decals, as it has no plastic backing - it is just paint with adhesive on the back, and therefore has a zero profile.
I purchased the 2 Blue & White Plates on a shelf, and a flower bunch swag(no longer available) and put them on my kitchen wall. I was so thrilled with the result, I asked my family for the Garden Path Doorway package from HSN for Mother's Day. It came with a DAISY VINE which I cut up and put on a small ledge wall. So far, everyone thinks the plates are real and insists on touching them to be sure. I sealed the plates with a high gloss sealer to further the illusion of porcelain.
Yes, they ARE expensive, but they have regular specials to make it easier, and HAN offers flex-pay if you need them. IMO, they are worth it - if you love decorative painting but can't paint, or just don't have the time - this is a product you'll love. I have seen these products in the high-end new homes around here, although they don't give the credit to this product.
So, without going on and on, here is the link to this wonderful product:
http://www.tatouagedesigns.com/index.htmHave you ever tried this? Please, tell me what you think.