It's a relatively simple thing to fix though, since you don't need it anyway. Your code currently looks like this:
<a href="javascrip t:void(0)" onmouseove r="window.status=''; document.images<'i14'>.src='images/wrs_jaymarvin_down.jpg'; return true;" onmouseou t="document.images<'i14'>.src='images/wrs_jaymarvin_up.jpg'"; onClic k="window.location='Marvin.html'">
Just change it to:
<a href="javascrip t:window.location='Marvin.html'" onmouseove r="window.status=''; document.images<'i14'>.src='images/wrs_jaymarvin_down.jpg'; return true;" onmouseou t="document.images<'i14'>.src='images/wrs_jaymarvin_up.jpg'";>
(Pardon the occasional spaces, but DU blocks JS code so I had to work around it).
Of course, I have to ask why you're using Javascript for the window location change at all. If you're using the <a> tag anyway, why not simply link to Marvin.html or wherever your other pages link? By making your navigation JS dependent, you're preventing a number of browsers and practically all screen readers and assistive browsing devices from using your site.