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UGH--Tyra Banks today/tonight--negative IR relationships...!

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Race & Ethnicity » Interracial/Multi-ethnic Relationship Support Group Donate to DU
bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-16-06 05:46 PM
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UGH--Tyra Banks today/tonight--negative IR relationships...!
I guess it's only fair to first admit that I really dislike Tyra's show. The couple of times I've watched it, I was taken aback by the fact that she seems to take a perspective within every interview and doesn't even try to appear objective (and allow the audience to reach their own conclusions). She has a view and makes sure she drives it home. :eyes:

A friend of mine tried to support her show the first month it aired. She reported she tired of Tyra quickly. She said that she obviously has had some issues with relationships, because the first month was nothing but shows like,"...the man that cheats", "when your boyfriend cheats on you", "when you catch him cheating", "how to know that he's cheating", etc. Obviously there was a theme. :eyes:

Anyway, I saw scenes last night from her "Interracial relationship show." I looks horrible! :mad::grr: Yet another person that will focus on the negative aspects and none of the positives.

We all know how these talk shows work. They put out a call, either by placing ads or advertising what they are seeking during the show. For example, they may run an ad during commercial breaks saying someting like--If you are dating interracially and have experienced problems give us a call, you could be featured on our show. So then every single person that has had a problem in an IR relationship calls.

Excuse me, but I've had problems in every relationship I've ever been involved in. It's the nature of relationships to experience challenges along the way.

What exactly is the point with this?!

Thanks--just needed to vent. :hi:
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judaspriestess Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-18-06 01:58 PM
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1. there is no point
its just useless dribble of the worst kind. I'm sure its all ratings driven and this country just loves smut.
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jmm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-18-06 07:01 PM
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2. I hate how the focus is usually put on
problems with IR relationships as if there's something inherently wrong with them as opposed to problems they have to deal with. If a person doesn't care about the heritage of the person they're in a relationship then they don't have a problem. They may have to deal with other people's problems but the problem is external, not internal. Exploiting people's problems is a main stay of day time talk shows which is why I generally don't watch them and I can't blame them for covering the topic of IR relationships but I can blame them for how they cover the topic.
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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-21-06 06:27 PM
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3. I agree with both of you...
jmm and judaspriestess! :hi:

I thought briefly about watching the show to see if there would be anything redeeming about it. I figured if I did, I'd only be pissing myself off and decided against it. LOL!

I love the way you put it, jmm--all that stuff is external. I've experienced my share of that, as I'm sure we all have. It can be challenging learning how to address it and deal with it, or if you do at all. But again--it's external. When I think about my issues with my dh--none of them have a thing to do with our cultural differences. Last time I checked, being Irish isn't a predetermining factor to one leaving their socks on the floor. ;)

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