I'm cross posting this (also in AA forum) because I feel this is an issue that is also prevalent within multi-cultural communities, particularly when dealing with mixed race, bi-racial, poly racial, etc. It can be very painful for those that are of more than one ethnicity to have their ethnicity come into question. It can also be painful (and troubling) when one that has an olive complexion, is "light skinned" or has features and/or coloring that some may think makes them look less any ethnicity and more "caucasian/white."
I'm sitting in my apartment reeling right now. I can not believe that in 2007 there are still people that have this ridiculous mindset. What I also can't believe is how hurtful it still is after all these years.
I called an "alleged" business person/lady today, to inquire about a service. The woman couldn't be bothered to answer the phone in a professional manner--or to have the person that answered for her to do so . She couldn't be bothered to sound like she was even interested in my business. I can get past all of that, because ultimately if someone conducts themselves in a way that isn't professional, they don't get my business. Simple.
What I can't get past, at least not right now is the words that followed,"...you sound like a white lady..."
My response,"(stunned)...excuse me?"
Pseudo business person that lost any possibility of my business(sounding more indignant)"...YOU sound like a white lady!"
My response,"....Um...and why is that...exactly?"
Pseudo business person: silence.
My response,"...Hmmmm...ok. Well, apparently you aren't the appropriate person for my business, but thanks for your time. Have a good day."
I promptly followed up with a phone call to the home office of the company to let them know that a person on their website--thinks it's ok to conduct business this way. Then I had a personal, private melt down, recalling all the time's I've heard this before. How much I've guarded myself from environments that would treat me in such ways again. I recalled the time I argued vehemently on this board against those that dared to say there is a way to sound "white" vs. sounding "black" ...and honestly, it gives me a headache.
When will this stop? Why are some so ignorant as to think that someone utilizing proper english, and knowing how to conduct business on the phone is equivalent to sounding or acting "white." What is WRONG with people? Where do they get this stuff from? Why are families teaching their kids this crap--that using appropriate english and stringing sentences together is "bad" and akin to being "white." I'm sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that.
It is also horrible to me because this is the kind of thing that perpetuates negative stereotypes within the race, as if there is a "way for one to sound or act" like any specific ethnicity. Sorry, but I find this very offensive.
Ok...I'm done.
Any thoughts? Experiences?