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Do you subscribe to the one drop rule/theory...?

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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 11:15 PM
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Do you subscribe to the one drop rule/theory...?

I've noticed some impassioned arguments in the main areas of DU regarding Obama's heritage, which also brought in others that are multicultural, mixed, biracial, etc. I saw one thread in particular where the original poster was quite indignant and obviously subscribed to the one drop rule--as they posted pictures of several well known actors, actresses, and entertainers that possess blended cultural heritage.

I didn't bother to post, as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinions on this. It's just interesting to me how many refuse to even acknowledge the person's other heritage, as if it is somehow an insult to do so. As if it is demeaning to say that Lenny Kravitz is black AND Jewish, that Nia Long is black AND Asian.

It seems like for some the opposite of the one drop rule is in play--if they have even a drop of something else, it's offensive to consider that other culture. They should ONLY be thought of as black, which I find interesting. I mean, doesn't this put people into the same sort of vacuum that the racist's use? Insisting that people check one box or the other reaffirms that people somehow NEED to be typified, classified and categorized. But why?


Anyway, just some thoughts from yours truly. Feel free to share your thoughts on this issue!

bliss :)
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bigwillq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-02-07 04:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. I will leave it up to the individual
to determine which race (s) they want to be described as.

However, it does kind of bug me when those certain individuals and the media fail to describe some people as more than one race (if they truly are). I believe this is the one-drop rule.

Obama is a good example. They say he will be the first black president....well maybe mixed is a better word...who knows...I am bad at what language I should use at times.

or Halle Berry as the first black woman to win a Best Actress Oscar....isn't she part white??

But I will leave it up to the individual.

But it does kind of bug me.

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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-04-07 07:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It kinda' bugs me, too...
Edited on Wed Apr-04-07 07:25 PM by bliss_eternal be honest. :hi: (good to see you.)

We're already getting to a point where some really can't be described as black or white--as there are some couplings between people that are biracial, or multi-racial marrying and having children. Their children can't be described as one thing or another, because they aren't.

In my heart I know that this all came into being after interracial relationships were made legal, and it was a way for "the powers at be" to maintain control, to maintain the ability to classify and continue racism--just on another level.

This will sound strange, but it also seems to come from some people's discomfort with thinking about people of two different racial identities having sex. :shrug: For them, it's just this huge taboo that should never be. As such, it's easier for them to identify the product of such a coupling one or the other as opposed to a blending of both (which is the reality). It's a way to be in denial in a way.

But so many people don't take the time to even consider these possibilities (of where the need to identify and box comes from). To them it's all about what the long held pervading belief system is and they never question it or ask "why"? They don't seem to ever consider that they are feeding into a system that is allowing people to be put into boxes, typified and treated differently.

It seems to be the issue with sexuality as well. People seem obsessed with classifying others, (gay, straight, bi, etc.)and as such then they have a means by which to utilize bigotry. Why does any of that matter? Is it really anyone's business or something people want to know so they can treat people different?

What if we didn't know what people were? Race unknown? Sexuality unknown? Could people still use racism and other forms of bigotry if they didn't have these ways to classify people?

Like you, I tend to allow people to say what they prefer in terms of their identity. But I'm frequently uncomfortable with those that refuse to see it any other way than the way it is now.
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IronLionZion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-09-07 02:17 PM
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3. I'm 100% sure that race doesn't exist, but culture is real.
We need to get rid of all those checkboxes and leave just one for the human race.

Barack Obama can be whatever he wants to be.

What's really interesting is when you don't know your heritage. I recently discovered that it's possible I might be a little bit white. You can't tell by looking at me though.
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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-10-07 09:33 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Well said...!
:applause: ...I wholeheartedly agree. Human race sounds just great to me!

I'm pretty sure we ALL have some ethnicities within that would surprise us...whether it shows or not. ;)
Thanks for posting, and sharing your thoughts on this! :hi:
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