've noticed some impassioned arguments in the main areas of DU regarding Obama's heritage, which also brought in others that are multicultural, mixed, biracial, etc. I saw one thread in particular where the original poster was quite indignant and obviously subscribed to the one drop rule--as they posted pictures of several well known actors, actresses, and entertainers that possess blended cultural heritage.
I didn't bother to post, as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinions on this. It's just interesting to me how many refuse to even acknowledge the person's other heritage, as if it is somehow an insult to do so. As if it is demeaning to say that Lenny Kravitz is black AND Jewish, that Nia Long is black AND Asian.
It seems like for some the opposite of the one drop rule is in play--if they have even a drop of something else, it's offensive to consider that other culture. They should ONLY be thought of as black, which I find interesting. I mean, doesn't this put people into the same sort of vacuum that the racist's use? Insisting that people check one box or the other reaffirms that people somehow NEED to be typified, classified and categorized. But why?
Anyway, just some thoughts from yours truly. Feel free to share your thoughts on this issue!
bliss :)