Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 09:21 AM by AngryOldDem
For months, I have been trying to get the point across that all that is really involved here is a matter of simple respect. You may not agree with everything I believe in, and vice versa. We can agree to disagree, but that gives neither of us the right to mock, belittle, or otherwise downgrade the honestly held religious beliefs of another. And no, I am NOT talking about the Fred Phelpses and Pat Robertsons of the world who make a criminal mockery of religion themselves. I am talking about Catholics who believe in the Virgin Birth, or Protestants who believe that ways to get through times of crisis is to pray and put things in God's hands. I am talking about people like me, who have found inspiration and courage in the messages of social justice and action that is at the core of my faith, which have brought me closer to where I need to be spiritually.
The standard answer back to me is that religion, like everything else, is subject to criticism. Yes, indeed. But there is a difference between criticism and insult, and too few on the other boards just don’t seem to get it. If they don’t agree with it, they hold it in contempt, period; as far as I’m concerned, they are also holding me in contempt. The second most-“popular” rebuttal is that since Christianity is one of the largest religious denominations in the U.S., it cannot claim “persecution.” When my faith is attacked, just what is that called? Do I not have a right and responsibility to defend it? Do I not have the right to be offended when I read a suggestion in one post from a few weeks back that said all Christians should be “bound and gagged” in their pews? (One of many posts I flagged to the mods.) Or that the Pope is a doddering old idiot (and that is one of the more charitable descriptions you’ll read of him) who has no right to voice an opinion on world matters, but then is accused of not doing enough to help world matters? You feel backed into a corner, and if that is not a small sign of “persecution,” then tell me what is.
This kind of rhetoric would not be tolerated here one SECOND if it is directed to any other societal group – and rightfully so. Isn’t that another sign of being singled out? If anyone who shows up to make counterpoints is hounded into silence, isn’t that another sign?
What irks me more is that a lot of these threads do not begin innocently, despite protestations to the contrary (there is an exchange between Skinner and a frequent religion-basher in ATA on this very subject, as a matter of fact). They are put up with an agenda, and then it’s off to the races. While it’s a difficult line to draw concerning censorship, it’s usually clear where these threads are headed after the first 25 or so posts – especially if you see the usual suspects showing up. If there is nothing productive going on, why waste your bandwidth? Shut it down. I think the mods are doing that more quickly these days, but still a lot of uncalled for and downright hurtful things are said before that happens.
Sorry for the rant, but this troubles me on more than one front. If the Democratic Party wants to see why moderates are leaving it, and why it cannot appeal to moderates outside the party who also consider themselves politically homeless, DU is a good place to start. This extremism is toxic, and will ultimately cost the party more than some Congressional seats and the presidency. Just as the Right needs to come closer to the center, so do we. Basic respect and tolerance would be a good place to start.
ON EDIT: Clarify wording.