I don't know about you, but I'm desperately in need of a little levity around here. Here's something I got from Sojourners today: their "April Fools" edition.
04.01.2005 www.sojo.net (scroll down to middle of the page)
Editors' Note: Just kidding Quote of the Week: Intelligence deficit Heartless & Mindless: Thanks to Bush doctrine, Middle East trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen Catalytic Conversions: Howard Dean gets religion - the old school kind Weapons of Mass Production: Nothing says "thanks" like warplanes Unmitigated Gall: Bush to replace Wolfensohn with Wolfowitz at World Bank; cites 'experiences,' similar name Eco News: Hummer hybrid a slightly less socially irresponsible status symbol Starting a Movement: MoveOn laxative Action Alert: Erica, why won't you go out with me? Soul Quirks: The Sedentary Prayer Lists Are Shorter Than Articles: Top ten reasons you're voting for Hillary Clinton in 2008 That's Info-tainment: Red Sox outfielder Johnny Damon to star in The Passion II: The Messiah Strikes Back | Rapper hurt by falling dollar
WARNING: The contents of this "April Fools SojokeMail" are entirely satirical
...Except for the ads in gray boxes. While Sojourners cares deeply about the serious issues of our day, we also recognize the tonic value of a good laugh and a well-aimed spoof. The ancient roots of April Fools Day even included slaves ruling their masters and mocking the king. So in that spirit of subversive humor we offer this equal-opportunity satire - and promise that we'll return to our usual docket of thoughtful and inspiring commentary next week.