That's a lot to process, and I'll mull this over for several days.
Yes, the Southern UMC is conservative, but there are bright spots on occasion. One of those is the new bishop of the Northern Alabama conference (Birmingham): Will Willimon. Will is a friend of mine, who was the Dean of Duke Chapel (that just means pastor in charge). He is radical, liberal, in-your-face, and prophetic. I suspect that he is already challenging the church to be more than it can be.
I don't know if you'd get very far in confronting the pastor about the Discipline, or the Social Principles, for that matter. (They're on-line, check out: and link on Social Principles)
Our church is officially against the death penalty, and has a lot to say about social justice, prison reform, etc... In other words, we are more liberal than your pastor realizes! (and you can tell him I said so! :) )
Chances are he already has his mind made up. But that doesn't mean you can't ask probing questions! And maybe he can refer you to a local church or pastor which is more liberal than what you have going on there. (many pastors are just as glad to "get rid of" people who think differently. I know that sounds awful, but it's true. Maybe just begin with "I know I'm much more liberal than you appear to be. Can you recommend a UMC or other church which would be more open to my kind of thinking?" That would maybe get HIM thinking about what he's preaching, too. :evilgrin: