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Jim Bates (Globe, July 20) states that "Satan is trying to take over America" and is being aided by liberals. Why do you almost never hear similar rhetoric coming from progressives and liberals? I want to suggest that this may be true because, while most progressives are religious and Christian, they are not religious fanatics who believe God is on their side while the rest of the world's people are infidels.
Jesus, who was more apt to associate with sinners than
hypocrites, practiced what he preached. He associated with the prostitute and tax collector, not because he supported their lifestyle, but because of the simple belief that we ought to love our neighbor before we follow the finger-pointers to the land of arrogance and ego.
Jesus taught those who don't read the Bible selectively that prayer ought to be done in private, not public (Matthew 6:5-8). The Constitution allows for public prayer, while Jesus does not. How ironic it is that conservatives wail away about the Constitution banning public prayer (even though it only bans government from directing it) while Jesus clearly prohibits it. Might I suggest that we do more reading in both the Bible and the Constitution and limit our proclamations of moral superiority?