United Methodist Church sends these buckets to places that suffer loss, and will no doubt be sending them to LA, MS and other places in need. It's a simple project that you can do, or a group can do, to help make a difference.
What you need:
* a 5-gal bucket with resealable lid.
In the bucket, add these items (please match specific items & sizes)
* bleach (2 1-qt or 1 82 oz bottle)
* 5 scouring pads
* 7 sponges
* 1 scrub brush
* 18 cleaning towels (reuseable wipes)
* Liquid laundry detergent (2 25-oz or on 50-oz bottle)
* 1 household cleaner, 12-16 oz bottle
* disinfectant dish soap, 16-28 oz bottle
* 50 clothes pins
* Clothes line (2 50-ft or 1 100-ft)
* 5 dust masks
* 2 pair latex gloves
* 1 pair work gloves
* 24-bag roll of heavy duty trash bags, 33-45 gal. (remove from box)
* 1 insect repellant spray, 6-14 oz can, w/protective cap
* 1 air freshener, 8 or 9 oz can, with protective cap
* please include $1.50/bucket for processing & shipping.
Take your completed bucket to the nearest local United Methodist Church - they can send them on to the agency.
If you don't want to work through a local UMC, check the website for info on how to send buckets directly to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief).
Value (as of last November): $45. You can get a donation receipt from the church for tax purposes.