Edited on Thu Nov-03-05 03:01 PM by DesertedRose
I saw the teaser and raised an eyebrow. Didn't bother to read the article....just thought it was another "red flag."
Edit: Here's the main reason why I was turned off... When the coordinator called me, she introduced herself, said she had moved into town from TX (I was raised in TX, so I caught that right away) and wanted to start a MOPS group. She then asked me how "socialized" my almost-9-month-old was. In other words, did he go to other people easily. Naturally, at this stage on the development curve, babies are into the "separation anxiety" phase, and my kid is no exception.
She then asked whether we put him in the nursery during church. I told her that upon the advice of our pedi, we did not, because our pedi felt 1) it was a germ factory, and 2) he was too young.
The coordinator kind of sighed, and hummed and hawed. Then she went into a lecture about this thing they had called MOPettes, and how she felt it best that MY child participate in it, to learn how to be apart from me. Oh, she knew it would be difficult for me, and "believe me, I've been there," she said....but when SHE first started MOPS and she had her 6-month-old, the coordinator then told her she had to learn to separate from her child, else it would only get worse as he got older.
I just got an awful feeling after that conversation, and the judgmental, condescending "I know better" tone that came across just smacked of RW fundie. So I wanted to look up the organization to see if it was just THIS INDIVIDUAL that came across that way, or if EVERYONE was like that.
Later on last night I talked to a colleague who is a counselor (an LISW) and is a Christian. He has three sons. I told him what she said and he thought I should avoid them like the plague. "What is it with this self-serving 'you need to make your baby adapt to YOUR lifestyle' stuff? Why have children if you aren't going to care for them? Yes, you need breaks, but hopefully you have a spouse or trusted friend or family member to relieve you. You don't just throw your child cold turkey into an environment they aren't familiar with, with people they don't know! We didn't raise our boys that way and they are healthy, independent, mature guys." (He also thinks Dobson is abusive.)