That's an awfully heavy load to be carrying.
Are you currently seeing a counselor/therapist? I would strongly advise that you seek out some kind of help, to help you think through all of the things you've mentioned (and more). There are some really good Christian counselors out there, too. (and they don't "push" religion - at least, the good ones don't.)
As to the content of your post: let me first say that I don't believe that God "rewards" or "punishes" us with situations, circumstances, or posessions. And God most certainly did not cause these things to happen to you, or to your family. Anyone who tells you otherwise is an ignorant idiot.
It also sounds like you're getting more than your share of unsolicited advice from people who may or may not have your best interest at heart. Anyone who has done any basic reading about Autism should know that it is not "caused" by parenting skills.
Just this past week, my brother & family came to visit. His 6-yr-old daughter is an extraordinarily strong-willed child. She was that way, even before she was born. It becomes all too easy for people to see her behavior, and conclude that her parents aren't doing enough in disciplining her. But I know my brother and SIL - and I do not think that Sarah would have turned out any differently if they clamped down on her.
Unfortunately, many people in life are going to make inappropriate comments about things that are none of their business. Whenever we find ourselves facing them, we have to work extra-hard to forgive them for their ignorance, because they really do not know what they are doing.
Attending church might not be the best thing for you right now. (I know, I'm shocked I'm saying that, too!) I think you need to find your own spiritual path - perhaps with the guidance of a good spiritual director. S/he can give you suggestions on books, tapes, and other resources that will help you find strength and healing.
I was fortunate. I found a Christian counselor who was also a spiritual director. I saw her at least twice a month for 5 years, and have come through some horrible circumstances much stronger, more confident, and spiritually empowered. I told myself that I was committed to setting asike the time and the money, because my mind and soul needed to be healed and nurtured. It was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
My heart goes out to you, Ilsa. I'll keep you in my prayers, and hope that you can begin to make some healthy decisions for your own self. And remember, we are here for you, too.