, I still have to finish the Politics feed. :(
I am trying to get enough people together that we can have "bureaus" This person covers international politics, this one covers US politics, this one covers religious right watch.. that sort of thing.
I am trying to get things set up so that people can just cut n paste from Notepad into the blog template, and that we can just index multiple articles under a single entry as "related" content, thus shortening both the workload and the blog pages. I still have a bit more tweaking to do to perfect it but anyone who has a basic understanding of html would be able to correct any mistakes that pop up.
So do you have a particular area that you would want to cover, either as a writer who submits to LCN or as a news collector who combs through favorite newsfeeds for articles about a certain subject? I think the more passion you have for a subject the easier it is to get the job done.