I called it "Woman, Why Are You Weeping?" Taken from the John text, it followed Mary Magdalene during a time of immense grief. I talked about the pain of loss, how the world around you doesn't make sense, and you become more focused on yourself and your pain.
In the text, both the men in the tomb AND Jesus ask her, "woman, why are you weeping?" A stupid question! But I truly believe that men and women grieve differently; and women NEED to cry. We simply cannot function if we don't cry and get it out.
I talked about my Mom's funeral, and how we, as the family, found ourselves comforting those who came to comfort us. How odd, but so often true. We'd say "at least she's no longer in pain," and stuff like that. But during the service, the thing which gave us strength, which kept us going was hearing texts from the Bible which speak of the resurrection. There were still tears, but they were tears of recognition and of joy.
I think that Mary cried AFTER she realized who Jesus was... but they were tears not of sadness, but of joy. (At this point in the sermon, I began to cry real tears of joy)
As Paul wrote, "If Christ had not been risen, then your faith is in vain, and we are of all people most to be pitied. But in fact, Christ HAS been risen from the dead - the first fruit of those who have died." And he wrote "If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Jesus Christ IS risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!