You may recall, he's the Methodist guy who recently called for Bush's impeachment. The Institute for Religion & Democracy has a poll up this week trying to discredit him. Please go cast your vote.
Here's the email I received:
I have been alerted that the Institute for Religion and Democracy
( which among other things has continued its 6 (or
more) year campaign to have the General Board of Church and Society
dismantled, has a weekly poll as follows:
Text Box: United Methodist Church chief lobbyist Jim Winkler has
advocated the impeachment of President Bush, denouncing the "war on
terror" as the "war of terror" and has called Bush's removal a
religious imperative. Are such actions by a church official inappropriate?
If you would indulge in an easy and fun exercise in general church
politics, you can vote at the following address. (So far, the poll is
2 to 1 in favor of Jim!)
Have fun!" Jim's STILL winning :D