if we "find out" that the earth wasn't created in six days or that some other religion has a flood story or that the witch persecutions were evil, then we'll "wise up" and become "enlightened" atheists like them.
Like the Soviet educational system, whose programs to promote atheism included analyzing the chemistry of bread making and wine making to prove that these items couldn't literally turn into the body and blood of Christ, they miss the point. In that and other ways, Soviet efforts to promote atheism missed the point, because they didn't understand that religion is experiential.
In a fascinating book from the 1970s, Anti-Religious Propaganda in the Soviet Union, the author points out that Intourist guides always told tourists that only old people went to church. And indeed, that's what it looked like. The churches were full of the elderly and not much of anybody else. However, Soviet tour guides had been pointing that out since the 1920s. So for fifty years, "only old people" attended church. But of course, they couldn't possibly have been the SAME old people from 1929 to 1979.
I've tried to use the analogy of looking at someone else's love relationship and not understanding why Person A is crazy about Person B when WE find Person B to be boring, ugly, or even infuriating. In real life, mature people don't go around saying, "You're an idiot to be in love with that person" unless they think that Person B. is actually abusive to Person A. And even then our words are unlikely to have any effect.
But what really made me stop posting in R/T was the way that theists could not state their understanding of what atheism is without getting jumped all over. I can understand their irritation at having their worldview labeled a religion, because it clearly isn't, but there were a couple of characters over there who were all ready to define theists as believers in fairy tales or pink leprechauns but who would get highly offended at ANYTHING, even attempts to use neutral language, that theists said about them.