MIDDLEBOROUGH, MASS…The minister of the United Methodist Church in Middleborough, Massachusetts, has received a piece of hate mail containing racial slurs and threats. The letter, which indicated a connection with the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, threatened The Rev. Hailani Chan-Williams and demanded that he and his family leave the town.
Rev. Chan-Williams, an African-American, immediately reported the letter to the local authorities, who are pursuing the incident as a hate crime. An investigation is ongoing and police are providing additional security to the family.
Bishop Peter Weaver, prior to heading to Mozambique for the Council of Bishops meeting, contacted Rev. Chan-Williams immediately. The two prayed together, and Bishop Weaver offered the support and resources of his office and the New England Conference to help Rev. Chan-Williams and his family as they deal with this disturbing incident.
http://www.neumc.org/news_detail.asp?PKValue=158What a horrid thought that this still happens here in MA, or, for that matter, in the United States of America in the 21st Century.
I mean, I know it does, but every now and then it just is brought home in such a horrifying way.
The children are escorted to and from school, rather than take the bus, there are increased police patrols at the school, and the 10 year old sleeps holding on to a baseball bat!
A 10 YEAR OLD!I hope whoever sent that letter sleeps well at night knowing he has terrified
A 10 YEAR OLD!!!Maybe I need to take lessons from those good people in PA who have talked of forgiveness for the man who killed their children, because I have to say, some of the thoughts going through my mind about this evil person may be a little removed from Jesus' teachings!