has it in for hypocrites, regardless of the politics, religion or tenets that so many speak so highly of.
I wonder what it would be like to be standing before Jesus and making the absurd statement, "But Jesus, I killed thousands in your name!" I get the distinct impression said deity would not be amused.
As for the leanings of Jesus, he changes in the Gospels; initially, he is to speak to the Jews only, but there is an epiphany where he realizes he is for all of mankind, especially the poor, the downtrodden, the ailing, the falsely accused prisoner...those that are so easily forgotten and avoided. Whether or not Jesus is the Son of God, really has little to do with his teachings, he teaches of love, brotherhood, forgiveness, empathy, caring for those who society has spurned....whether son of God or not, these are all things people should aspire to.
One of the Books that is overlooked is James; James actually brings up a communal lifestyle where all things are to be shared, novel idea for the time.
Paul is overrated in my thinking, his letters were to specific churches of the time, and while a few of his ideas are worthy to a point and might be considerable this day in age, his anti-female diatribes are far from what Jesus spoke of.
All things considered, I would love to see Fred Phelps facing Jesus...:D