My own take is that it's intriguing, and reasonably likely to be the actual tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. Here's part of why I think so--an excerpt from a "not-for-publication" email by the chair of one of the better Religious Studies program here in the U.S., which makes the following point, among others:
"Although the names are "common" as everyone points out constantly to the press, it does indeed seem to be the case that the statistical grouping of these particular names in this particular tomb is far from common, in fact the combination is such that case that this “Jesus son of Joseph” can be identified with Jesus of Nazareth appears to have reasonable mathematical probability. In other words, to dismiss this out of hand is not scientific. It is worth noting that back in 1996 when the BBC released their story on this tomb everyone said the same thing, that the names were common, except Joe Zias, who had looked at hundreds of ossuaries over the years as curator at the Rockefeller. His comment at the time was: “Had these names not been found in a single tomb that was professionally excavated I would have said, 100 percent, that what we are looking at are simple forgeries. I find it very interesting that we have this completely unique combination of names. This thing definitely, I think, is worth some further research.” I agreed with him at the time and I still do. Even if the probabilities were 50/50 the tomb might be of interest and worth examining in this regard. As it stands they are surely much higher than that. Statisticians often point out that “common sense” when it comes to probability theory, is often quite misleading. What we have to ask is what are the probabilities of these six names occurring together in a 1st century Jewish family tomb, namely: Mary, a second Mary, Jesus son of Joseph, Jude son of Jesus, Joseph, and Matthew. Experts I am working with tell me that assuming a family size of six, the probability of these six names in these relationships occurring together in one family is: 1/253,403.Therefore, out of 253,403 families (a population of 1,520,418), this particular combination of names would occur only once. Obviously the population of late 2nd Temple Jerusalem was nothing of that sort, but perhaps only 25,000 (Jeremias) to 50,000. Further, two of the names, particularly, Mariamene and Jose, appear to be rare forms of names we know associated with Mary Magdalene and with Jesus' brother Joseph, which further indicates a significant statistical uniqueness, and a correlation with what we know of the Jesus family. A third name, Maria, is that form known to us in the New Testament for Jesus’ mother Miriam, and perhaps his sister Mary as well. It is a relatively rare form of the name. My statistical consultant gave me a very simple analogy: Imagine a football stadium filled with 50,000 people—men, women, and children. This is an average estimate of the population of ancient Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. If we ask all the males named Jesus to stand, based on the frequency of that name, we would expect 2,796 to rise. If we then ask all those with a father named Joseph to remain standing there would only be 351 left. If we further reduce this group by asking only those with a mother named Mary to remain standing we would get down to only 173. If we then ask only those of this group with a brother named Joseph only 23 are left. And finally, only of these the ones with a brother named James, there’s less than a 3/4 chance that even 1 person remains standing. Prof. Andre Feuerverger, of the University of Toronto, a highly regarded senior scholar in the field did the formal statistics for the Discovery project. His figure of probability came out to 1/600. His paper will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and parts of it are available on the Discovery Web site."
Me talking again: of course, if this turns out to be verifiably the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth, and the remains therein turn out to be his remains, it kind of shoots a hole in all of Christian theology as we currently understand it. Any thoughts?