A more faithful prayer would be "God, give me the skills I need to do this..." or "God, give me the concentration I need to...". Or "God, thank you for the skills you have blessed me with". Or "God, I thank you that I have arms and feet to bowl with, money to come here, and family to enjoy it with", or something like that. But "God, give me a strike" or "God, give me money"... gimme gimme gimme gimme.
I am sick and tired of these Jesus Crispy fuckwipes praying for stuff: material stuff or wins or successes or money or a new boat or a bicycle or a wife or a husband or ... And I am equally sick and tired of the fuckbags who say that God gave them the great big house because of their faithfulness, or blessed them with money because of their prayers or faithfulness.
Such crap. It don't work that way.
As to your question about whether one should pray only for important things - in many respects, whatever we're praying for IS important to us, even if it is a new boat. And of course we should all pray for those things that are important to us.
But, I like to think of it (and this is as it has been on my faith journey), that as we mature and grow in our faith, the material stuff trails away... the personal needs stuff trails away... and I spend more time praying for the needs of others, and most of the prayers I say for myself are more in the lines of "I am thankful for all that you have deemed fit for me to have, and give me faith to accept whatever your will is in this world and the courage to mold myself more to your will, not my will". Just as the Lord's prayer says: "your will be done".
And it's that latter stuff that I don't hear so much from the Jesus Crispies, but which I *do* hear a lot from the mystics and those who have given up their egos and the pursuit of stuff: the mother theresas, Thich Nhat Hanhs, Dalai Lamas, Franciscans, Henri Nouwens, etc. (obviously, these are different religions, but at the highest level they are very similar in execution: not trying to mold or force the world (or God) to their needs, but trying to mold themselves to the needs of the world and the will of God).
As one moves closer to God, more aligned to Jesus' path, the less one asks for silly things (which aren't, necessarily, always silly at the time to the person praying them) in prayer, and asks more and more for change within one's self.
At least, that's been my experience, and, I think I can fairly safely say, the experience of the mystics and others who have aligned themselves very closely with God.
And so "God, give me a strike!" becomes "God, let me bowl the best that I can bowl, and let me be fully satisfied with that, because it is to your glory that I use the full capacity of what you have given me, and let me be fully alive in this moment to know your presence through this ball, through these people, and in me".