And thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers you have already given me. Yesterday me dad was brought in by ambulance to the local hospital. I was at school, doing some catch-up work (It was a Sunday). My husband called and said my dad had called him and said he was very tired & didn't feel well, & didn't know what to do, so my husband went over to Dad's. He is only about 5 minutes from here. Also, my huabsnad's parents live practically next door to him, so they were called and went over right away. I flew there, and it's lucky I didn't get in an accident, or pulled over, or something. When I got to Dad's, the ambulance was there, and many people from the neighborhood were there, which was nice to see. It made me know that people care. Dad is a quiet person, and very special to many. Anyway, my husband & I followed the ambulance to the hospital, about 30 miles away. That was a long trip I can tell you. Dad was very pale, & sweating profusely. To make a long story less long, dad did not have a heart attack, but lost a lot of blood, possibly a reaction to Plavix he was taking. He got a transfusion while we were there, and seemed to get hiscolor back & feel a little better. He's having some tests today, and we'll know more. His blood pressure was good, and he did have that stent put in about 2 weeks ago, and that SEEMS to be o.k., but we'll find out soon. I got home about midnight last night & have been up today since 5. I hope I can keep up this pace & be strong. I am a teacher, and have to make goodlesson plans for the kids. My school has been great, so I am not worried about anything there. I will probably not post here much if at all, after this post today. I'll be busy. REV: If you read this, you can call if you want, as I won't be on DU much in the near future. I really believe that prayers help, and I humbly ask for yours.