Don't know where else to do it, so here goes.
This retired pastor, one of three in this church (UCC, but not former pastors of this congregation) attends the local ministerial association. He has made no secret of the fact that he really liked my predecessor and doesn't like changes I've made since I've been here.
So, today at ministerial association, he was bitching about how fewer people were in worship on Christmas Eve than when he first came here 18 years ago. He went on and on about how the sanctuary used to be full, but now it's practically empty. I was both hurt and angry.
Especially because everyone else tells me that this sanctuary was never full--not even on Christmas and Easter--that the church overbuilt to look impressive to the community. He also didn't mention that there was a terrible conflict 15 years ago that literally split the congregation in half. Nor did he mention that attendance is up since I've been here, and we now have a youth group which we didn't have, a choir, a bunch of things that weren't here when I came.
Part of my frustration is that he was doing this bitching in front of Evangelicals who will take great pleasure in thinking our church isn't faring well. I just thought it was inappropriate.
And I needed to bitch.