Edited on Mon Jan-28-08 05:58 PM by skater314159
... who has taught Evolutionary Anthropology as well as other courses at a University level, I can tell you that there is a LOT of misinformation and willful ignorance in America surrounding religion.
Unfortuantely, some of the worst perpetrators of this misinformation are "believers" who know little or nothing about the history of thier chosen faith, yet speak openly about it. These individuals perpetrate the stereotype that we, as Liberal and Progressive Christians - and all people of faith are working against. I have found though that THESE people are willing to learn usually, and when given resources or information, they make use of it and ammend their behaviour.
The "militant athiests" of which you speak are/were typically raised in an evangelical,or in my recent experience, Southern Baptist or "Mega-Church"/ Non-Denominational church. They knew little if anything about the vastness of the Christian life - much less the entire religious nature of humanity throughout history. They are largely very insecure, and as such I have observed them try to act as if they are superior to others to build up thier own self-worth. These individuals are typically angry over having "been duped into belief" and for not experiencing what those around them in the church experienced. Rather than seeking a different path, they attack with jealousy and vehemence. Instead of acting as rational adults and trying to learn what else is out there, they react in anger, hatred, and rage against all people of faith, thinking that they know everything there is to know about faith, and that their experience is somehow representational of all faith experiences (which is really arrogant and ignorant on their part.)
Don't let the bigots get you down. :loveya: Hopefully by your stregnth and exmple, you can show them another way. Show them the way of love and respect, even if they have neither in thier dealings with you... for when you do so, you follow the teachings of Christ himself.
Peace! :hippie: