Edited on Sat Apr-05-08 04:47 PM by mycritters2
I have an MDiv from Andover Newton Theological School in Massachusetts. I assume RevCheesehead has an MDiv, too, though I don't know what seminary she went to. There are others here, too. The MDiv is required for ordination in most denominations. So, a vocational degree, really.
My seminary experience was maybe the best time of my life. I loved the coursework, and the community. I lived on campus (no way I could've afforded an apartment in suburban Boston at the time!), and that was great. I'm still in touch with a lot of my classmates and two professors.
My brother went to United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities for a Master of Religious Studies. I think you're feeling the way he did when he decided to go. Wasn't interested so much in an MDiv and ordination, but just wanted to study for its own sake. He got to pretty much design his own program. There were a few required courses--a basic systematics course and Bible--but otherwise it was his own program. I thought it was a great thing to do--and kind of brave to go to all that work for the love of learning. His program was basically a combination of environmental issues, and liberation theology. He now works for an organization focused on land stewardship and fighting suburban sprawl.
One caveat, he ended up with quite a bit of debt. He did get a foundation grant for his studies, but paid for most of it with loans. If you're not studying toward ordination, there are even fewer financial resources available than there are for MDiv candidates. So, that's a consideration.
I say go for it! You only live once, so you should do what will make your life meaningful.