I work as the Parish Administrator at a church so I'm the one who handles the email. Last week we got three different emails from his group. one was actually to raise money to build houses in Jamaica, which surprised me because I didn't think they bothered to do that kind of work with all the time they spend bloviating about homosexuality and such.
But then there was the one railing against Heinz for a TV commercial in the UK that promoted the homosexual agenda. Of course, I had to go to their web site to watch the ad, but I stripped out any reference to my church before I went to the site so they couldn't trace it and think we were interested. Sadly, the next day I read in the news that Heinz pulled the ad because they got many calls complaining about it. I hope Dobson et al weren't responsible for that, though I'm sure they'll take the credit for it whether they are or not.
I always read the emails to keep an eye on what they're up to.