Edited on Sat Oct-11-08 09:03 PM by mycritters2
if this e-mail that I got from a local church seems odd, or unclear, or something? Here's the pertinent portion:
"A representative from FEMA who is also connected with United Methodist Committee on Relief wants to meet with representatives from the churches in the community to set up a relief agency coordinating the relief agencies of all the churches. UMCOR will train and pay for case workers to help with the second stage of the flood relief. There is a meeting Wed at the United Way office. I need to get this information out to the churches."
I'll go to this meeting, but how can a person be connected with the federal government AND a church? What does connected mean--employed by both? A federal employee who belongs to the UMC? Something else? Shouldn't other churches' relief organizations be involved in such an effort, if the UMC is? Should I invite someone from UCC Disaster Ministries to attend?
Seriesly. Wth?