He wrote an op-ed piece three Christmases ago when the first "War on Christmas" bullshit was happening and Jesus Crispy shitbag preachers were getting bent out of shape that stores weren't saying "Merry Christmas".
I do not care if a mall employee wishes me a "Merry Christmas," or not, or if mall managers favor snowpersons over manger scenes, or erect trees they call "holiday" and not "Christmas." It isn't about their observing this event, giving us a "religious rush" and creating a false sense of security that culture is better than it is. It is about people who believe in this historic event observing it in a way that recalls the birth of the Savior of the world (not the savior of the bottom line): silently, wondrously and worshipfully.
I figure if Cal Thomas thinks it's nonsense, then it's nonsense, because this is normally the kind of trivial garbage that he gets his penis totally bent out of shape about.
Kind of like if Germany says not to go to war, you ought to listen.
That particular article by Thomas was a really good one. Every now and again, he manages to pull his head out of his ass long enough to actually write something scriptural and Jesus-y.
Here it is: