The significance of numbers is established by their use both in Scripture and in nature. God created man on the sixth day in the Genesis account, and on the seventh day he rested from his works. He appointed 6 days for man's labour. After 600 years Noah, whose name means Rest, ceased from work and entered the ark. These, and other scriptures, make 6 the number of man and of man's works apart from God. The seventh day is the Lord's day. The Bible, especially the book of Revelation, is heavily patterned on the number 7. This indicates that 7 is the number of God.
The meanings of numbers are further illustrated and established by the study of Gematria or the numeric values of words. The Greeks and Hebrews did not have separate symbols, such as 1, 2 and 3, for numbers like we do. Instead, like the Romans, they used the letters of their alphabets. In Greek alpha represents 1 and beta 2 and so on up to iota, which is 10. After that kappa is 20, lambda 30 and so on up to ro, which is 100. Sigma is 200, tau 300 and so on up to omega, which is 800. These values are shown in the table below. (The number 6 was originally the letter digamma which later dropped out of use.) This means that you can take the letters of any word or name, and add them up to get a total value for the word. That value is called the gematria. The name Jesus (IhsouV in Greek) adds up to 888.
Many of the titles of Jesus have the number 8 as a prominent feature or factor. KurioV (Lord) has the value 800. CristoV (Christ) is 1480 which has the factors 37 x 8 x 5. (888 is 37 x 8 x 3). Alhqeia (truth) is 64 or 8 x 8. Swthr (Saviour) is 1408 or 8 x 8 x 22. OdoV (Way) is 344 or 8 x 43.
KosmoV (world) on the other hand has the gematria 600. The kosmos is the sphere of man's works apart from God. Many of the names and titles of Satan, such as drakwn (dragon) and ofiV (serpent), have the factor 13. added. This is why we can consider numbers when examining scripture.