Well, actually, she brought it up jokingly, because she's cold-blooded and wanted the weather to warm up.
Why am I telling you this, you may ask yourself. Well, I asked her after a moment what she thought about the idea of global warming and what we could do about it. She said, paraphrasing badly that "God won't let the world get that bad until we're done using it." Essentially, I took this to be a rapture reference on her part, though I didn't question her.
Does that statement bug anyone else? I tried to get around this answer by asking if she meant that we shouldn't worry about what we might be doing to the atmosphere and such. She did concede that we should be responsible, but she kept coming back to the idea that God wouldn't let anything bad happen to the planet until we didn't need it any more.
Help me. What's wrong with that concept?
Here's another one with the same person: She belongs to the NA Baptists. She was bugged that a minority in the NA Baptist group want to dictate to the other churches in the group whether or not they should accept gays and such in their congregations. She explained that the denomination was such that individual congregations are quite independant of the national organization.
I made the mistake of seguing into commenting on how Bush was trying to usurp states rights in much the same way, with initiatives such as NCLB, trying to shoot down the one state's euthenasia law, and DOMA. She didn't like the comparison, in that she said the GOP wasn't a minority, and besides Reagan had done the same thing with the speedlimit of 55 law and forcing states to adopt it. Not that she thought that was a good thing, so I don't know why she brought it up, except I suppose to point out the futility of my efforts in the realm of politics. "As soon as you get betrayed by a politician you'll be like me and not care about politics anymore."
Gads, I hope not. Even though she considered him a beatable candidate, she decided at the last minute to vote for Bush because Kerry ticked her off with the Mary Cheney comment. Her original stance was going to be to vote Constitution or Libertarian, mostly because she doesn't like to vote for any incumbant ever.
I referred to Bush as evil in front of her, after which she wants to know why. I told her I thought there was a possibility that he wasn't a Christian. She doesn't believe that.
We've also discussed Abu Ghraib, which I found appalling but that she considered as just par for the course in wartime (Doo doo doth happen, as it were).
I can't help feeling that though she professes to be Christian, that there is something wrong with her heart. Her answers are to pat and unconcerned. It bothers me. But then as they say, the Church isn't a museum for saints, it's a hospital for sinners. But I never understand how Christians can strive to be Christ-like, and not realize that being down with the Bush agenda is not compatable with that goal.
Comments, feedback, insults, input? Thanks in advance for any answers and for reading my little ramble.