I think most of you know I live in a VERY conservative little town in a VERY conservative county. But still, these people really tend to push me over the edge. We have an adult study group that I somehow got stuck taking the lead on for this year. I decided to utilize The Wired Word (www.thewiredword.com) as a resource for some topics. The latest one which I slotted for 2 weeks was healthcare as a moral issue. I didn't think it'd be that difficult of a discussion...nevermind the how, who or politics.
Here were the Big Questions as listed on the Wired Word:
1. As a Christian, is there any reason you would not want every American to have equal access to health care? If so, what is it?
2. While "the devil is in the details" of the specific plan that finally becomes law, do you agree that in principle, universal affordable health care is a moral issue? Why or why not?
3. What meaning did Jesus' healing ministry have for his overall mission?
4. Some are arguing that "rushing" to complete this legislation is unwarranted, but is there an element of "striking while the iron is hot" in this move? What might happen if momentum is lost?
5. Is Christianity as much concerned with the well-being of our bodies as with the well-being of our souls? Explain your answer.
There were some great articles referenced as well.
http://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/2009/07/would-god-back-universal-health-care--religious-texts-give-us-a-good-idea-the-common-theme-dont-turn-your-back-on-th.html http://www.tdtnews.com/story/2009/7/26/59547Well, the first week we never got past question #1 outside of "Well, sure as a Christian I would want everyone to have access to healthcare...BUT I live in the REAL world and they're going about it all wrong!!!" After that it was a bitch fest on what people buy with EBT cards, who gets them, how FAT the people using them are, and how the church has no business issuing statements regarding healthcare. :banghead: The ELCA Social Statement from the 90's was of no use or interest. The church shouldn't be talking about healthcare they should be DOING it - like offering free clinics, nutrition education, etc. :eyes:
Jesus was NOT concerned with the poor, that's based on a selective interpretation. Jimmy Carter, Bill Moyers, Jim Wallis & Sojourners - bunch of commie-pinkos
When I brought up the churches involvement in the civil rights movement one guy said the church shouldn't have been involved with that either.
Why do I even bother...