This has been a very difficult year for my family. My dad has Alzheimer's disease. My mom has congestive heart failure and COPD. Dad has been in the hospital twice; mom has been hospitalized once, with a urinary tract infection that got so bad it shut down her bowels. She says she didn't know she was sick. She vomited for three days (!) and she didn't know she was sick. That scares me to death.
It seems like every time I think it can't get worse, it does.
My brother's house burned on October 25. My nephew, nephew's fiancee and their toddler live with my brother. Thankfully, they all got out safely, but they lost everything.
My brother was injured on the job several years ago, and he is disabled. He has become addicted to pain killers. When he can't get pills, he self-medicates with alcohol.
All in all, it's just a bad situation. I do the best I can to take care of things, but I'm 500+ miles away. I've been back home several times this year to deal with my parents' health crises. I am so tired. I don't know how I can continue.
Yesterday my mom told me my brother had attempted suicide on Friday night. He had been staying with mom and dad since the house burned. My dad ran him off - asked him "what are you still doing here?" My brother said he hoped he would be there for a while, but dad told him he didn't belong there, and to get the hell out.
That seems to have pushed Randy over the edge, even though he knows dad doesn't really know any of us any more, and he really didn't realize what he was doing. He was taken to a psychiatric unit in a local hospital - quite obviously where he should be. I hope and pray that he will see this as an opportunity to begin recovering from addiction and begin living again.
I have always believed in a loving and compassionate God. Right now my faith is weak, and I just needed to release this in a forum of like-minded believers.
I don't know what will come next. I'm leaving on Saturday to spend a week at my parents' home; Bertha will join me on Thanksgiving Day. I am tired. I am brokenhearted.